I've been busy lately. I'm applying to grad school. my greatest fear is not getting into any of the 10 schools I'm applying to, and losing all of that money that I will inevitable spend on application fees (they are on average $80 an application, so that's about $800 just to send them my name and address), not including portfolios and all that. But, hey, it's worth a try. Please wish me luck! I;m strating to big projects, the etsy store is mainly to pay for these application fees.
I've started a KickStarter project. I can't really make a video. I would like to just be able to show a bunch of drawings, but they don't let you, so I don't know if this will get funded. but it's worth a try.:
The Mysterious OnesAnd I'm selling stuff on Etsy. More drawings/prints to come! If the book gets funded, I'll be selling that too!:
Caerphilly's EtsyNow for something new....

Oh the details.......
I love your drawings....GREAT creatures! Where are you applying to grad school? Good luck with all the applications!!
Thank you very much! I'm applying to 7 schools for 3D animation: SCAD, CalArts, USC, UCLA, Syracuse, RIT, and SVA.
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