Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Something different...

So, I'm taking an anatomy drawing class. It's really fun to have a break in the week doing something different, something I have never done before. I'm posting some of my drawings here. I'm not exactly proud of them (well, I like the hand), but with this class I realized I can make things up and shade well and make everything look three dimensional and I'm really goo with details and all around can make something look perty..... But, I have a long way to go before I can be an animator, which is what I really want to be. An animator creates with few lines and doesn't concentrate on details. They create accurate proportion, movement, weight, depth...etc...without all the fancy shading. But, here are my drawings anyway.

Vertebrate from the front. This was the first drawing I did in the class. (By the way, I work at a hospital in the school of medicine in an administrative department. This class is offered to medical students in the school's Anatomy Lab, so, yes, I am drawing actual human bones. Also, I'm not a medical student, but this particular class was open to anyone who works in the hospital as a free seminar.)

Same vertebrate from the top. My second drawing on the first day.

Second class, hand. All of these are in pencil, by the way, on regular drawing paper. The vertebrates are softer pencil (I think I used a 4B...). The hand is regular HB.

Human Skull, third class. This was on smooth drawing paper and regular pencil.

I really can't wait for the next class! It's really fun... I'll post new specimens soon, but I thought I'd post something different for now........


Elizabeth Rose Stanton said...

This is a really nice set of drawings (I especially like the hand--so hard to do). Can't wait to see more!

Alex said...

These are really good! I also like the hand best but also the second drawing looks great!