Sunday, March 4, 2012

Specimen #68f (carnival)

Not much to say.... Oh, I guess in the carnival series, I am planning on having a sort of freak show theme. The one below is the strongman.

Specimen #68f (carnival):


Mauricio Abril said...

These creatures you're doing have some good design motifs - very Tim Burton-y in a way.

And thank you for your kind words. The book has been a long time in production, and was even started earlier when my abilities weren't as cultivated. I wish your project well, and I hope you find a good stride. I've learned that it doesn't have to be perfect from the beginning.

Caerphilly said...

Thank you for the comment! Yes, I think partially, I want the book to be better than my current abilities will allow. But, waiting might make it better....Hopefully....

Elizabeth Rose Stanton said...

He definitely looks the part. Love it!

Cindy D. said...

What a sweet face! Are you sure you need to put him to work as a strongman? Just stumbled into your blog and all the crazy beasts are really cool!