Saturday, January 14, 2012

Nothing new...

I don't really have anything new to say....

Here's specimen #28a (Eyelets)

I posted two others in the eyelets group previously. In case you didn't notice, eyelets are the specimens without eyes and either small or no arms and large heads. I tend to start theses specimen drawings with the eyes and go from there, with the head next, then body, then anything else. But these Eyelets in particular were different. I decided one day, hey, what if they had no eyes at all, and these are the result. Enjoy!!


Anonymous said...

one can't help to wonder.. if these critters n us through some strange coincident met in the same universe, how big would they be?i have always thought of some like small microbes,n others like pre-historic "bugs",or baby-creatures trapped in their huge mothers bellies(or eggs), the babies about a hand- or two big..

anyho.. thank you for keeping me curious about your work!. :D

Caerphilly said...

Thank you drend! I like your microbes idea! You know, your comment had made me think about this a lot more.....